Tenant Meaning in Urdu - A Official View


3 min read

Tenant Meaning in Urdu:

The concept of tenancy is an essential aspect of the landlord-tenant relationship. A tenant is a person who occupies a property that belongs to someone else. In Urdu, the term used for tenant is "Kiraya daar" or "Kiraya wala", which literally means "renter".

Tenancy is a common practice in Pakistan, where many people rent out properties to others for residential, commercial or industrial purposes. In the Urdu language, there are several words and phrases that are commonly used to describe tenancy and related concepts.


One of the most commonly used terms in Urdu for tenancy is "Ijaarat". It refers to the agreement between a landlord and tenant, in which the landlord rents out his property to the tenant for a specific period, usually in exchange for a monthly rent. The rental agreement is usually in written form and is signed by both parties.

Makaan Malik:

Another term used in Urdu for a tenant is "Makaan maalik". This term is used to describe the person who owns the property being rented out. The word "maalik" means owner, and "Makaan" means house or property.

In addition to these terms, there are also many other Urdu words and phrases that are commonly used to describe various aspects of tenancy, such as the rental amount, security deposit, lease agreement, eviction, and maintenance of the property.

Kiraya in Urdu:

For example, the rental amount is commonly referred to as "Kiraya" in Urdu. The security deposit, which is a sum of money paid by the tenant to the landlord as a guarantee against any damage caused to the property, is known as "Pamaish".

The lease agreement, which is a legal contract between the landlord and tenant, is known as "Ijaarat Nama". This document outlines the terms and conditions of the rental agreement, including the rental amount, security deposit, duration of the tenancy, and other relevant information.

Rental Aggrement:

In case of any violations of the rental agreement or failure to pay rent, the landlord has the right to evict the tenant. In Urdu, this process is known as "Nikaalna", which means to remove or evict.

Lastly, the maintenance of the property is also an important aspect of tenancy. In Urdu, this is commonly referred to as "Rakhwali", which means to take care or to maintain.


In conclusion, Urdu has several words and phrases that are used to describe the different aspects of tenancy. These words and phrases are essential to understanding the landlord-tenant relationship and the legal framework that governs it. Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, it is essential to have a basic understanding of these terms to ensure that your tenancy agreement is fair, legal, and mutually beneficial.